
Considerations for Step

decision is very important to produce something good,
in our decision making,
which is very important that is,
we must consider some of the decisions we have in mind,
we should examine the bottom, "what is in the need to meet this step,
" whether more spending ..???,
"Examine what we get from this step"
if the profit or benefits more ..???, more harm ..???,
faster ...??,
or even longer is ...???,
all that we need to consider ... well,

often we forget the things that will happen if we move to the hurried,
is not good if we take the decision not to look forward ..
because there is a "way with something that does not contemplate the future will not good results .."

Design Photoshop

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operating system "sistem operasi"

operating system "sistem operasi"
Computer use at the time this is built on the technology based on digital electronics
So that in a digital computer. Systematically, computer must be in view as the union of:
1. Brainware (computer users)
2. Hardware (hardware)
3. Software (software)
Brainware is any person who uses and everyone involved in the utilization of computer / data processing system. Brainware is a major source of inspiration for terbentuknya system computer.menurut level of utilization of the computer, brainware in grade up to 4 levels, namely:
1.System Analyst: underwriter jawan and planning system of a building project, especially a system that utilizes information computer.
2. Programmer: Creator and the officer who prepared the program in need of systemkomputerisasi in the design.
3. Administrator: A person on duty, managing a system oprasi and programs that are running on a computer that already exist.
4. Operator: User always, only use the computer system that already exists.
Hardware that can be defined as equipment in the computer system that can be viewed and can be jamah physical, such as:
1. Monitor
2. Key board
3. Mouse
4. Print
5. CPU
- Main board
- Hardisk
- Flopy disk
- Processor
6. Lan card
7. and the other
Also called software, that is all the applications included in the computer,


Sistem Operasi

Computer yang di gunakan saat ini adalah di bangun berdasarkan teknologi elektronika digital
Sehingga di sebut computer digital. Secara sistematis, computer harus di pandang sebagai kesatuan dari :
1. Brainware (pengguna computer)
2. Hardware (perangkat keras)
3. Software (perangkat lunak)
Brainware adalah setiap orang yang menggunakan dan setiap orang yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pemanfaatan computer/ system pengolahan data. Brainware merupakan sumber inspirasi utama bagi terbentuknya system computer.menurut tingkat pemanfaatan terhadap computer , brainware di golongkan menjadi 4 tingkatan, yaitu:
1.System analyst : penanggung jawan dan perencanaan system dari sebuah proyek pembangunan sebuah system informasi khususnya yang memanfaatkan computer.
2. Programmer : Pembuat dan petugas yang mempersiapkan program yang di butuhkan pada systemkomputerisasi yang di rancang.
3. Administrator : Seseorang yang bertugas mengelola suatu system oprasi dan program- program yang berjalan pada sebuah computer yang sudah ada.
4. Operator : Pengguna biasa, hanya memanfaatkan system computer yang sudah ada.
Perangkat keras yang dapat di definisikan sebagai peralatan dalam system computer yang dapat di lihat dan dapat di jamah secara fisik, seperti:
1. Monitor
2. Key board
3. Mouse
4. Print
5. CPU
- Main board
- Hardisk
- Flopy disk
- Prosesor
6. Lan card
7. Dls
Di sebut juga perangkat lunak, yaitu semua aplikasi yang terdapat dalam computer ,

peta brebes

hallow semua...,
kalian pengen tau brebes dimana..?
seberapa luas...,

disini anda tinggal zum in or out
dan cari tempat yang ingin anda cari khusus'y di brebez...,

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klik Di sini

sebelumnya saya comen tentang blogku ..., jangan lupa..
